Entries by Mory Fuhrmann

Debriefing Meeting

The team met in Columbus at Franklin County EMA on November 20th to conduct an after-action debriefing regarding our recent deployment to Asheville and Buncombe County, North Carolina. Committee Chair Nick DiCicco lead a discussion on the good, bad, and ugly, from first standby alert to the return of the last resource in October. This […]

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Terra Firma

The entire Taskforce is now back in Ohio, after OH-2 and the remaining members from OH-1 returned on Wednesday afternoon. On Tuesday night, the team has a celebratory dinner along with the arriving logistics crew at a local Asheville restaurant to both celebrate what we view as a successful deployment, but to also honor and […]

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Finish Line In Sight

We’ve said that life goes on despite the disaster. And unfortunately, that held true for one of our team members, who had to fly home to tend to an emergent matter. The entire team is sending our best wishes as they navigate the next little while. The notes of support and comfort that were received […]

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Our Own VIP Visitors

We’ve said a few times over these past weeks that it really does take a literal village to push forward through any deployment. Any regional or state team that deploys on EMAC assignments will tell you that it takes all parts of the squad, unit, or strike team, or task force to achieve a successful […]

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To The Moon and Back

Team TERT OH-2 has been working for 4 days now, and they have kept up the pace that Team OH-1 set in the first half of the deployment. At present, 3 personnel from the team are working at the backup center, assisting with call taking, and the remainder of the squad is working aboard HAVOC […]

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Shift Change

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Ohio TERT conducted a shift change at Buncombe County and the City of Asheville. (8) personnel comprising Team TERT-OH-2 departed from Cambridge early Tuesday morning following Monday evening rally point rendezvous. Team 2 represents PSAPs around the state: (2) from the Chagrin Valley Dispatch COG, (3) from Southwest Emergency Dispatch – […]

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Unsung Heroes

The term ‘unsung hero’ seems to get a lot of use these days. For lots of societal and vocational reasons that do not really matter here, folks all across the country and the world find themselves called upon to lend assistance in times of crisis and misfortune. How person(s) choose to answer the proverbial call […]

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We’re Going On A Trip…

…In our favorite rocket ship, er, field communications unit. It’s moving day today for the gang and other TERT teams, as they bid farewell to their initial quarters near a school, and head down the road about 15 minutes to a FEMA dormitory trailer camp that also provides a hot meal, and (in theory) a […]

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It Takes A Village

The personnel from Ohio TERT are doing tremendous work in taxing and difficult circumstances. The folks of Western North Carolina have a long, long road ahead, and we feel honored to have the opportunity to provide assistance to our Brothers and Sisters and their community. Sending a team to operate on an operation like this […]

Continuing Operations

Operations are continuing today in Buncombe County. The second Tower on Wheels has arrived and was put in service. While final preparations are (should be) underway for Milton, rescue and recovery operations are very much continuing in western North Carolina. We continue on 12 hour shifts in the PSCC, backup center, and board HAVOC-1. We […]