Deployment Feedback

A survey to obtain feedback from personnel who deploy.

How would you rate your deployment experience overall?
Was enough information given to you in the time leaving up to the deployment?
Were arrangements acceptable while enoute to the deployment location?
Were enough personnel sent for the mission? Too many? Not enough?
Given the circumstances of the deployment, were accommodations acceptable?
Was the requesting PSAP able to provide adequate training to equip the team to work?
Did the TERT team work well with each other and the requesting PSAP personnel?
Supervisory Support
Did the Team Leader and Committee adequately support the Team?
Was the working shift schedule appropriate and acceptable?
Was the demobilization procedure communicated and carried out appropriately?
Were Post Deployment arrangements coordinated and carried out appropriately?
Did the requested mission match the deployment? Did you end up doing what you were told you were going to be doing?
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Please provide any additional details or remarks. Be as specific as you wish.